I use Zsh as my default shell. Here I’m going to show how to install and
configure it.
To use Zsh I recommend the oh-my-zsh framework to make it easier. The first
thing we need to do is install Zsh if we don’t have it already installed...
One of the basic packages we need as developers is a Database Management
System (DBMS). The one I use most is Postgresql and here I’m going to show how
to install it in Chakra Linux that probably will work on other Arch derived
distros. This installation...
Recently, I had to update a project that uses RSpec. Part of the migration consisted in updating the RSpec syntax from version 2 to version 3. Since I use Vim, I ended up creating a bunch of regular expressions to make those updates. Here I will show...
For my previous post, I had to show my projects’ directory tree. Originally, I had copied and pasted it from my Vim. However, there is a command for that task: tree. I didn’t have it installed so I had to do it. I’m using pacman but you can use yum
When we create a new project in Ruby, the basic structure is a directory named lib, where we can put the code. We can also add a directory named test or spec for our testing files. That is not mandatory, but it is a convention that we should follow...
A veces, includes y joins pueden resultar confusos porque hay escenarios donde parecen ser intercambiables, pero hay razones específicas para usar uno o el otro.
joins nos permite especificar una relación a incluirse en la consulta. La consulta...
Sometimes, joins and includes can be confusing because there are scenarios where they seem to be interchangeable, but there are specific reasons to use one or the other.
joins allow us to specify a relation to be included in the query. The...
La versión actual de Minitset es 5, ésta es la que obtenemos al ejecutar gem install minitest. Sin embargo, es muy probable que nuestra versión sea la 4, porque es la versión que se incluye con Ruby. Es decir, si no hemos instalado Minitest de manera...
The current version of Minitest is 5, this is what we get if you do gem install minitest. However, chances are that our version is 4, because it is the version included in Ruby. I mean, if we didn’t install Minitest explicitly, then we are using the...
En ocasiones, tenemos modelos asociados que necesitamos manipular en un único
formulario en lugar de tener un formulario por cada uno de ellos. La gema
nested_form nos permite crear formularios complejos cuando trabajamos con
modelos anidados, su uso...
Uno de los problemas de desempeño más comunes en Rails está relacionado con consultas N+1. Afortunadamente, nuestro framework incluye una solución simple para este problema que debemos conocer para evitarnos algunos dolores de cabeza.
One of the most commons performance issues in Rails is related to N+1 queries. Fortunately, our framework includes a simple solution for this problem that we must know in order to avoid some headaches.
For those who don’t know, the issue of N+1 queries...
In object oriented programming languages, inheritance is a great concept to use. It is not just about code reuse, but about design. However, we can reuse code when using inheritance, but we need to know how it works within our language and how classes...
Como desarrolladores Rails, solemos olvidarnos de la capa de persistencia gracias a que ActiveRecord se encarga de mapear objetos Ruby a tablas de la base de datos y viceversa (a esto se le conoce como Mapeo objeto_relacional). Nosotros trabajamos...
The Ruby’s Struct and OpenStruct classes are very useful for some tasks.
They act like a simple data structure, similar to hash, but they also allow to
access their attributes by calling them directly from the object and not only
using the brackets...
RSpec incluye una funcionalidad muy práctica al momento de probar métodos que
regresan falso o verdadero. Por convención, en Ruby estos métodos terminan con
un signo de interrogación que cierra: ?.
Hay una funcionalidad de Rails que yo utilizo bastante pero tengo la impresión
de que no es tan difundida como debería. Estoy hablando del metodo merge de
ActiveRecord. Posiblemente la razón por la que no es muy utilizado es que
existe un metodo con...
Rails has a functionality that I use a lot but I think it is not as widespread
as it should. I’m talking about the ActiveRecord’s merge method. Probably,
the reason why this method is not widely used is because there is a method with
the same name...